Atila Minev
Abstract in English
Abstract in English
This number of the magazine contains Geno Mateev’s article “ The Past is an Obligation” (1939) which corresponds to our contemporary situation.
( Geno Mateev was one of those who established “ The Orda”)
We continue with section 2 of “The Bulgarian People and Bulgaria. Some Speculations on Their Way in Eternity” – about the origin and appearance of Bulgarian people.
You will find published an article about Macedonia and its past, present and future that will clarify lots of disputable questions about this land.
Dobromir Dimitrov will go on with his topic on substantial problems of today’s science in his article “ About the Scientific Creationalism’.
Angel Valchev has written an article about the battle near Chernomen village between the Turkish troops and Bulgarian rulers - brothers Valkashin and Uglesha that was decisive for Balkans’ fate.
We also publish a legend about the foundation of the town of Ruse which is still unknown to the public.
“Read these Books” column offers some new books of the “The World Conspiracies” series whose aim is to throw light on some crucial points of the history of the world.